
Public safety

Keeping our main artery, Pacific Coast Highway and the canyon roads open and passable requires enforcement that motivates responsible driving and parking.  This is especially crucial during the tourist season.  We must continue to work with CalTrans, Lost Hills Sheriffs, CHP and our terrific Volunteers on Patrol program to move things in the right direction.  It is important to continue to work with CalTrans to make PCH a Safer artery.  Paul will support all efforts to increase Public Safety.

Fire Safety Photo

Fire Safety

Fire Safety requires an adequate water supply, which Paul has been advocating for the past 16 years. Keeping the pressure on District #29 to continue upgrading the deficient systems will pay huge benefits.

Big Rock’s pilot program to provide permanent backup generators to ensure that water is still pumping to the hilltop water tanks in a power failure should be the model for all canyons.

As citizens, we must support our local firefighters by preparing our homes to resist Ember Ignition, providing a Clear Space around our homes and supporting the efforts of Arson Watch, who patrol during red flag days
Paul is also a member of the Malibu West Fire Brigade and encourages all capable residents to start a Brigade in their neighborhoods as well. Malibu also needs a herd of goats to keep the adjacent wildlands brush under control.

Independent School District

I supported the School District Breakup effort by Mitch Clarfield about 20 years ago and have been supporting and advocating for the AMPS effort since its inception. 

As a Councilmember, Paul has been on the School District separation Ad-hoc committee along with Mayor Pro Tem Marianne Riggens. The City’s goal is to achieve a more equitable and accessible Malibu Unified School district, run by Malibu Parents.

Malibu’s schools should be governed by Malibu parents.  An Independent school district focused on excellence is the key to attracting families back to our schools.

Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority

On a 3-2 Vote, a previous City Council traded about 80 Acres on Bluffs across from Pepperdine and above Malibu Road to the MRCA in exchange for Charmlee Park.

MRCA has floated plans to develop the property with over 60 Campsites and parking for their cars on the property.  This plan is asleep but not dead! MRCA, headed by Joe Edmiston, has a long history as Malibu’s worst and most contentious neighbors.  MRCA is currently trying to bankrupt the residents of Sycamore Park to destroy the quiet of their neighborhood.  They were finally vanquished in Ramirez Canyon, only after a long, expensive legal battle.  They were recently prevented from developing Puerco Canyon (when they were caught illegally dumping and grading the property) earning them a rare rebuke from the County and Coastal Commission. 

Many of our neighborhoods are now under pressure from the MRCA. We must budget what we can to help preserve and support our neighborhoods against the unreasonable use of Roads, Driveways and dangerous Parking on PCH. 

what is your malibu?

Malibu is divided into 24 neighborhoods. Malibu residents know that their neighborhood has unique challenges and benefits. PAUL has spent time in your neighborhood over the last 46 years and is aware of your local concerns, One size does not fit all.
