Hopeful Fire Department Developments

One of the advantages of being a totally focused individual is that the decision makers sometimes share a little information as a way of encouraging your efforts. Last Saturday, February the 23rd I attended Supervisor Sheila Kuehl’s listening session at Pepperdine’s Elkins Auditorium. She demonstrated that everyone who runs any government entity that had anything […]

Tanks a Lot

I was at the City Council Meeting on February 11 and was pleased to hear from City Manager Reva Feldman that Supervisor Sheila Kuehl’s office had confirmed that larger replacement Water tanks for Encinal /La Chusa Highlands, Phillips Road and the strangely named Portshead tank, which is located north of Cavalleri Road, had been moved […]

Fire Rebuild news

LA Co. Chief Osby succeeded on January 26th in convincing several in the audience that he is surrounded by yes men who constantly tell him everything went smoothly and all the resources under his command were constantly and diligently pursuing all opportunities to assist and protect the public. Others felt he should be nominated for […]

Calfire Deadline

Time’s Up! It’s time to make some decisions. At the City Council Meeting on Monday the 14th we learned that only 300 of the 460 homes that burned within City limits had signed up with either the CalRecycle program or opted out and filed the necessary paperwork to have a private Contractor do the work. […]

Malibu Times

Why the Fire Department is important to your ability to rebuild. To build or rebuild a home in Malibu you are required to get a certification from the Los Angeles County Fire Dept. that the new or rebuilt home has an adequate water supply for fire protection. In 2010 the LACFD changed the required “Fire […]