Floodgates of memories, time to move onward.

What a week! It all began with several public and many private remembrances of Woolsey and how it has changed our lives over the weekend of the 9th. Yolanda Bundy, the City’s new Rebuild advocate, has been making the rounds of community groups speaking quite eloquently about her experiences in Ventura’s Thomas Fire and what […]
Sandcastle building contest canceled
In last weeks column, I mused about the possibility of scheduling a sandcastle building contest on Corral Beach directly across from Malibu Seafood. The purpose was to remove the contestant’s sand from under the Bridge/drainage device that also connects the Sara Wan Trail to the beach. I believed less sand under the bridge would improve […]
Fire Department Brush Inspections.

Many of us have been talking recently about Fire Department Brush inspections and “Are any still being done?”. I started by calling Supervisor Sheila Keuhl’s office who called Division 7’s Acting Assistant Fire Chief Micahel Brown, who kindly answered my questions. He also referred me to Deputy Chief Anthony Maroni who also spent ½ hour […]
The Permit Process and how it is being improved

It seems that my article last week touched a few nerves in the City, Architectural, and Woolsey survivor’s community. The City website’s weekly update shows 4 new Planning applications for a total of 154. It also reflected one more Building Permit issued.17 Applications are currently under review which is one less than last week. Planning […]
City Council listens to the Public and graciously puts TDSF reduction to death.

Last Monday July 1st over 300 of you turned out for the Planning Commission hearing. The Main Auditorium was filled past capacity and the Lobby was standing room only as well. Over 4 hours of testimony from residents were given before the Commission began their deliberations. 92% of all comments were extremely negative about the […]
Resilience ideas and opportunities

Summer has apparently arrived as the June gloom departed on Saturday night. Monday June 3rd, the Planning Department reported 113 full fire rebuilds with no more than a 10% increase in home size were in the application process. Another 25 applications from owners who want a more than 10% size increase and are willing to […]
Join us at Malibu City Council meeting. Downzoning item has been added to July 8th agenda for scheduling.

Last Monday July 1st over 300 of you turned out for the Planning Commission hearing. The Main Auditorium was filled past capacity and the Lobby was standing room only as well. Over 4 hours of testimony from residents were given before the Commission began their deliberations. 92% of all comments were extremely negative about the […]
24 How big can I afford to build? And what business is it of the Planning Commission?

The Planning Commission’s favorite boogeyman, “Mansionization”, has yet to appear. According to the City’s website on July 1, 92 Applications for rebuilds have been approved by the Planning Department. 47 of those applied for the same size house in the same location. They left the plus 10% option on the table. 43 applied for the […]
Deadline for Fire Rebuild Permits announced and The Politics of Envy

Permits! Last Monday, June 17th, I attended the Planning Commission meeting hoping to hear of lots of new permits being issued for fire rebuilds. There was only one new permit for a full rebuild granted in the last 2 weeks. It wasn’t a total loss as I learned that the City has now published a […]
District 29 Water tank sizing, “Maximum Day”, Total Development Square Footage Reduction

I’d like to start by recognizing Public Safety Commissioner Andy Cohen who coordinated, set up and ran the Malibu Safety and Preparedness Expo at The Trancas Country Market Center this past Saturday. Terrific job of corralling lots of interesting resources for building a more resilient community along with many interesting panels to see and hear. […]