New COVID-10 numbers higher as deaths drop
Last week, Los Angeles County started using a new infections reporting process that resulted in the numbers for last Thursday, Friday and Saturday being reported as one lump sum. It was a very scary lump sum, over 7,200 new cases. They did point out that we had a new all-time one day high of 3,187 […]
The surge arrives and the banks close
As June ends, we have the harvest of many too enthusiastic openings of beaches, bars and restaurants in the Sunbelt states as well as the large protest gatherings across the country. Los Angeles County, which was rejoicing only two weeks ago as the daily new infections dipped close to 1000 a day has jumped to […]
Malibu West Fire Brigade practice session and COVID-19 surge continues
On Saturday July the 28th The Malibu West Fire Brigade met to get some instruction and hands on practice. We were instructed by our training officer “ “ about proper handling and connection of hoses and connectors and the importance of working in teams. We also heard from Dermott Stoker and Tim Bigelow about the […]
Fighting entropy and COVID-19 in Malibu
Entropy is the concept that all matter is decaying to a state of lower energy. A spinning top slows and falls motionless to the floor. A Koi pond deprived of the pumps and attention that keeps it clear and beautiful, soon turns into an ugly mosquito infested green marsh. For the last three months, we […]
New COVID-19 numbers higher as deaths drop
Last week Los Angeles County started using a new infections reporting process that resulted in the numbers for last Thursday, Friday and Saturday being reported as one lump sum. It was a very scary lump sum, over 7,200 new cases. They did point out that we had a new all-time one day high of 3,187 […]
COVID-19 hope
It’s been a tough week for America and Los Angeles. The idiotic, murderous, criminal behavior of an ill-trained “veteran” Police officer in Minneapolis has resulted in a wave of legal protests across the Country that ultimately morphed into rioting, looting, fires and despair for our cities. Curfews were declared throughout Los Angeles, City and County. […]
Insurance skullduggery and why I’m still wearing a mask
An article in the 6/21/2020 Los Angeles Times by Michael Hiltzik detailed the latest effort by the Insurance industry to neuter the consumer protections guaranteed by Proposition 103. Proposition 103 was adopted in 1988, creating the office of Insurance Commissioner, and has been a thorn in the side of the Insurance industry ever since. Industry […]
Insurance skullduggery and why I’m still wearing a mask
An article in the 6/21/2020 Los Angeles Times by Michael Hiltzik detailed the latest effort by the insurance industry to neuter the consumer protections guaranteed by Proposition 103. Proposition 103 was adopted in 1988, creating the office of Insurance Commissioner, and has been a thorn in the side of the Insurance industry ever since. Industry […]
Is the end of the pandemic in sight?
Malibu has transitioned into full Summer madness mode. Roads are clogged. Parking lots are full of the vehicles of beachgoers who are shoulder to shoulder on all the beaches. Retail establishments are trying to adapt with curb service sales. The grocery stores are striving to have the shoppers comply with the mask protocols but I’m […]
Time for a reset of the political process?
Things aren’t going as smoothly as one would hope at the moment. Friday night and Saturday morning my phone blew up about Friday’s invasions of private properties and Beaches and the lack of response from the Sheriff’s Department. Lifeguards called for law enforcement backup and didn’t get it. Homeowners called the Lost Hills Sheriff’s station […]