Malibu West Fire Brigade practice session and COVID-19 surge continues

Malibu West Fire Brigade practice session and COVID-19 surge continues

On Saturday July the 28th The Malibu West Fire Brigade met to get some instruction and hands on practice. We were instructed by our training officer “ “ about proper handling and connection of hoses and connectors and the importance of working in teams. We also heard from Dermott Stoker and Tim Bigelow about the Brigade’s history and development with the support of the Malibu West HOA. Ample time was set aside for members of each team to practice unloading the hoses, connecting them to the hydrant and each other and swiftly deploying them to the practice location as a team member pressurized the lines. The nozzle and hose men practiced the teamwork required to manage the force generated by the water and control the nozzle. Just as importantly we practiced coiling the hoses neatly in a fashion that protects the metal connectors and uncoils smoothly in a hurry when needed.
The meeting was joined by representatives of Arson Watch who observed and got a little hose time as well. Technically we are all part of Arson Watch under the supervision of the LA Co. Sheriffs. Mayor Pierson pitched the free services of the City’s Jerry Vandermullen who will be scheduling a day in our neighborhood to visit individual houses and point out areas for improvement.
The Brigade’s Woolsey Fire success in limiting the damage to 21 dwellings validated the foresight of the founders and the investment by the members and the HOA. In the aftermath of Woolsey, Brigade members including Mayor Mikke Pierson spread the word to other neighborhoods and a Point Dume Fire Brigade now exists as well. Keegan and *** came by to show us their Brush truck they have purchased and to demonstrate a portable bladder and pump system they are using to quickly convert a normal pickup into a 250 gallon firefighting machine.
A representative of the “On Call” firefighter program from Corral Canyon born out of the 07 fire shared their current plans.
What is your neighborhood doing to prepare? Let’s make all our houses a little more defensible.
Kal Klatte’s charts reveal a less than desirable week in national COVID-19 news as the 7 day average number of daily cases diagnosed reached a new high of about 65,000 per day. The 7 day moving average of deaths seems to be leveling off a little fewer than 800 per day. That’s where we were for the first time on June 17th. I hope it doesn’t get any higher.
The percentage of the cases that result in deaths is falling and is now under 3.8%. Two months ago it was 6%.
Reports surfaced last week that several states have inflated their case numbers by reporting each positive test a patient takes in the course of treatment as a new case. One report described a patient who was tested positive 15 times in the course of her recovery and each time was reported as a new case. If this is widespread the accuracy of all COVID statistics becomes less credible.

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